Filed Under (family, stories) by ivy on February-14-2008
On Christmas day around lunch time we set of to the Smokies. Of course it was a long ride(four and a half hours for a fact). The first two hours flew because we were watching the Nanny Diaries(It’s such a good movie!). But the second two dragged on FOREVER!
When we arrived we unpacked and took a look around our four bedroom condo. After we checked the place out we talked and ate some supper. After supper of course Macy was bugging everybody about ” When are we going to open presents!” We cleaned up and the we started opening presents. All the girls(Bonnie, Grandma, Iveta, Kristi, Me, and Macy.) got cute red socks with grips on the bottom. I got lots of presents like: Sweat pants and shirts, regular pants and shirts, an iPod nano(with butterflies on it),Art paper and Drawing kit and two REALLY cute purses!
I got delayed for a while, because I moved, and I don’t want to mess something up so here are the rest of the highlights.
On Wednesday we went to see a play at the black bear jamboree and while we watched we got dinner! Later that night(about 7:00) at the activity center it was karaoke night, so we went and had a blast. On Friday we went to the “Nascar Speedway”(a go-kart place) We had soooooooo much fun!! I was a little scared at first but on the second track I got the hang of it!:) That’s about it, but overall the point is: I had a GREAT Christmas!!!!
Andrew is my cousin,he is so cute. I get to babysit him sometimes and it’s fun. I taught him how to buzz his lips and I’m working on crawing with him. Some babies are fussy and you get mad at them but Andrew is so funny and cute you can’t get mad at him.I love Andrew!